Import Zimbra emails to Outlook

  • November 14, 2021

Zimbra emails and folders were saved as multiple EML files packed into TGZ archive. You have to extract the archive first, after that you may start importing of your Zimbra emails to Outlook.

1. Extract .TGZ file to the empty directory on your drive.
2. Run EML to Outlook Transfer tool [click to download].
3. Specify the Source Folder where Zimbra account archive was extracted early.
4. Click Scan Folder button to search for subfolders containing emails.
5. Click Save PST button and choose the file system directory to save Outlook data file.
6. Select target folder from Outlook folders structure to import Zimbra emails.
7. Click Done button and program will start the conversion of Zimbra messages to Outlook PST file.
8. Run Outlook and use menu File > Open > Outlook Data File… to select and open created PST file.

Zimbra emails and folders will be imported into Outlook folder selected by you at the step #6. Don’t forget to expand all Outlook folder to see the nested structure of subfolders.

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