Migrate old Email Messages to new server with Outlook

  • January 4, 2019

If you use Outlook or a similar mail client, you just need to keep the mail account you have in Outlook as-is and create a new account when you switch to our mail servers. Then the new account will be empty in Outlook. You can then copy those messages into the new account within Outlook (drag and drop messages from old server inbox to the inbox on your new server) and they will sync up to the new mail server.  Be sure not to cancel your old service until you have all of your emails copied.

Detailed Instructions:

  • In your local email client, create two new email accounts (for OLD and NEW server).
  • These will both be for the same email address.
  • Each account will use its own password, corresponding to your OLD and NEW server.
  • They must both be configured to connect using IMAP.
  • The incoming server (or IMAP server) will be different for each account. You should use your IP address for your new server, and your access domain or IP address for your old server, rather than your domain name, whenever possible. This will avoid any possible DNS conflicts.
  • With both accounts online, open up the inbox for the account that connects to your old server. Drag and drop messages from this inbox to the inbox on your new server.
That's it! If you have a lot of emails, give the accounts a few minutes to finish syncing up. Once they're done, your old emails will be in your mailbox on the new server.

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