Edit content on an existing page

  • December 1, 2015

To edit content on a page which exists and is accessible:

  1. Login to the site using your business email and saved password.

    A login block is usually printed in the footer of the site but a login screen
     is always available at {yourdomain}.com/user. Forgot password functionality makes possible the sending of a one-time login link to the accounts email.

  2. Navigate to the page with the content which needs to be changed and click on the "Customize this page" button on the black bar at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click on the gear icon on the top left of the frame which holds the text you wish to change.

  4. Make the required edits, then click on the "Save" button which is below the preview pane but above the pane which contains the content editor.

  5. Before all changes on the pane are made final one last "Save" button must be clicked, which will be located on the black bar at the bottom of the screen.

Changes may not appear immediately for all users due to caching on both the server and browser but should take no longer to appear than half an hour.

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